Sunday, December 12, 2010

Vienna, day 1 and 2

When we got to Vienna it was snowing, the ground was covered in it! ...It hasn't snowed since :(
There is just old, dirty snow everywhere now. But its still cool!

Yesterday, we checked into our hotel and kinda just explored the city. Lots of cool shopping to be done! Checked out a museum in an old castle and went to the butterfly enclosure.. sadly not as good as we'd hoped, but oh well.
They sell the tastiest sausages on the side of the street for 2.70 euro. YUM!
And they really know how to celebrate Christmas here. Decorations and lights everywhere! And a Christmas market in every plaza. Went to a huge one that night. Busy as. Fighting through people just to walk.

Then today we went to the Vienna zoo. Way better than Adelaide zoo.
And Viennese style schnitzel for dinner.


DANKE!  ...('Thank you', in German)

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