Sunday, January 16, 2011


We arrived in London (or Nodnol as we prefer) from Dublin via a ferry and train.

When we say ferry, you might think just a square floating boat that has cars on the bottom deck and people on the top. Not this one, this one was massive, like 6 floors of pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafe's, dining areas, lounge areas etc. It was like a cruise boat that only last for 4 hours between Ireland and Wales. 

London has been excellent! We've done so much.

We even went to a show and to the movies twice!

We went to the Camden markets and spent an unspeakable amount of money in a shop called Cyberdog... 
Saw Harry Potter.

We went and saw Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.
The London Film Museum and the London Aquarium.
Saw Downing street. Which more like a jail/fortress than a street. Huge black gates, guarded by cops with machine guns...
Then we went a saw the Lion King stage show. It was excellent! Truly excellent.

We went to Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London which houses the crown jewels, Tower Bridge and Madam Tussuads wax museum. And met some friendly squirrels

We went back to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard.
Went to Abbey Road (YES!)
Walked by Lords and then to the London Zoo, which got absolutely rained out!
Then went and got a curry and saw The Green Hornet.

Then we went to Oxford street, Trafalgar Square and Soho.

And today (our last day), I got a tattoo, went a saw St Paul's Cathedral, Platform 9 3/4 and yeah...

We leave for Paris tomorrow morning on EuroStar, going under the English channel, woo. We don't know if we have net access in Paris yet, so might be a week before we do another blog.

Love you all!


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